Monday, December 28, 2009

Care to "ponder" with me?

As of February 19th a Million Ponds Project was launched. Don't let the 'ponds' bit fool your eyes, we're talking water not money! This effort will attempt to reestablish ponds and species growth within them, throughout the UK. The plan is being run by the charity Pond Conservation.

Who cares about ponds? Shouldn't issues in larger rivers be of more importance? According to Natural England's site, who will provide a full-time project officer to this endeavor, no. While river restoration is beneficial, making new ponds can be far less costly, time consuming, and a lasting effort. Dr Jeremy Biggs, Pond Conservation Director of Policy and Research says:'The Million Ponds Project is the first to recognize this great opportunity, and we can’t wait to get started.”

So two more ponds, then? During the next four years the project will introduce 5,000 new ponds to the UK. The aim of 1,000 of these sites will be to benefit 80 species noted in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. The spangled water beetle, tassle stonewart, and pondweed leafhopper now have a place to hang their hats! These species, other endangered species, and plants will have a new crib due to this plan! One reason these species or plants are struggling is due to their need for a clean water residence. This can be a difficult place for these species to let because of development's damage to waters and pond disintegration over the years.

Several people are jumping into the pond such as Defense Estates, Environment Agency, and Buglife. In total there are 11 key groups involved in this project.

Through this project, they'll not only be reviving species, creating a more interesting view, but also ensuring children will have the opportunity to check out fairy shrimps! Life just isn't life without those fairy shrimps!

For more pondering check out the Natural England site-

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