Monday, December 28, 2009

Becoming blogtastic among other things...

At first when our online journalism class was asked to do blog, use twitter, and get into things like Delicious, I wondered if I'd survive the next few months! After all, I wanted to take the course and knew what I was in for, but I still can't get my Sony MP3 thing to work...properly (its pink, of course). Downloading music and understanding those types of areas, forget it! Plus, our class was assigned a topic area of environment issues for our class website. We were split into groups which each had individual subjects to report on involving enviornmental issues. It wasn't like we could just go out and pick something random and report on it. It has been challenging but so far has proved worthwhile and even enjoyable...I'm not just saying that because my instructor can read this either!

Soon after I'd started this class, I found myself at the twestival in Birmingham. Confused at what 'tweeting' really was all about and how it could be beneficial I felt very lost to say the least. From that event, however, I met a handful of people who helped explain twitter and why it is so beneficial. I got to know people who were sweet, welcoming and let me know their uses for twitter and why it could be good for my use also.

One of the people I met at the twestival was even able to steer me to a story. I've already mentioned on my blog, but the story about the Howe Dell school's enviornmentally friendly building/move to their new school was based on a recommendation from a fellow twitterer! I still connect with the people I met that night through twitter and others too. Some of what's said on twitter is funny and might not be business/news related but I know if I need help with something serious, twitterers will come through. If nothing else is gained from twitter, at least you can have a giggle and make new friends! Laughing is a good thing...not copying Martha Stewart...just to be clear!

As for delicious, its been interesting learning how to use it. A process that was a little difficult at first but I'm more comfortable with now. I do see its benefits including being able to sort bookmarks and share with others what you find interesting. Its a great tool to use for keeping track of the work/sites you reference on a blog as well.

The blog was not something I'd ever really thought about doing. No matter how much I enjoy writing it is frightening to have someone reading your work...and being able to comment on it! What if it sucks? After doing it for this class, and having a guest speaker (Dave Lee a Blogger for the BBC) talk about its merits I'm glad to be part of the blogging community-despite the fear of public criticism! Its something I'll be continuing long after this class is complete.

Subjects for stories have been slightly challenging, I'll admit. Even if it is a large area to sift through for stories and you might think it would be easy, that's not always the case. The bulk of the struggle lies in trying to find a local angle, making it interesting and keeping stories within my topic area. One way I'm trying to combat some of the difficulty finding stories is connecting with my social network. Such as twitterers, or other social forums. I belong to some environmental social forums and think that if I can't go it alone successfully, I'll try to fall back on others to help lead me where I need to be.

Another thing I've noticed while on the course, is that keeping your eyes open can be beneficial, even if it doesn't get you a story, it may help. For example, I visited a farm my family buys produce from(and also where we feed their baby lambs- Emily, Izzy and Rosie!) and asked the owners questions about their farm and how they run it in an environmentally friendly way/farming techniques etc. Even if I didn't record their responses or get a story, it keeps me thinking about the stories and ways to get them.

Overall, it has been a great experience becoming blogtastic, learning more about the internet and journalism in general. I've successfully learned how to make a text heart. Which pretty much makes me chuckle-its really about the small things in life, isn't it? Until next time, <3 Katie.

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